I know many of you guys will just skip right over this because it is too long to read and it just doesn't catch your attention but this is how I am feeling today an decided to share it with you guys
Why, God, did you give me a child with a special needs?
First, let me say that I wouldn’t begin to tell you that I know the mystery of God’s limitless wisdom. But I will tell you this: I know that God’s promise that “all things will work together for our good.” (Romans 8:28) … is very true.
I want to be real with you, though: Was it hard? OH YES. Were there days I wanted to give up? YOU KNOW IT! MANY TIMES! (and some days I still do). Did I get angry at God on hard days? YES, I DID! (but He can take my frustrations and love me still.) In the early years, Caleb was very difficult to parent. But with the passing years, winter to spring and summer to fall, he gets better while I get stronger, and all thanks to God’s faithful help.
I have learned to lean on God—hard—to get us through the difficult days. I have learned to LOOK UP to God instead of looking at my circumstances. And I find that after all of the trials, year after year and minute by minute, we have survived. God has proven that He is faithful. That we can still laugh. We can still smile. With dirt on our faces, standing in the muck of life, we can see with our own eyes that life is precious and holy… when God is in control.
Living with a child with special needs is a great journey. Yes, there are impossibly hard days, but also some amazing victories.
The truth? If you can believe me…I wouldn’t trade my rock-filled path with anyone. Looking back on it all, I would never ask for another mom’s road.
So we come full circle, back to the original question: Do you know why I personally, truly, and honestly think God gave me an autistic son? Are you ready for this? If so, here is my answer:
I think He gave me an autistic son because He really, really loves me. He wanted me to discover just how faithful He really is. He wanted to give me a gift that no man could take away: A special knowledge of the power, strength, holiness, faithfulness, might, and wisdom of God that only comes from NEEDING HIM DESPERATELY.
Take a peek into Caleb and my world by pre-ordering my book "A Piece of My Puzzle " Through the eyes and heart of a single mother raising a child with autism Thank you for your continued support I appreciate you guys
Thank you, God, for my special gift... Caleb Lamar Harris💙